The unbecoming of Mara Dyer; the biggest mindfuck ever


Mara Dyer survives an accident that killed her boyfriend and her best friend. Only.. she doesn’t remembers it. But that doesn’t stop the nightmares and hallucinations. So she and her family leave town to try and find a new beginning. But.. the past never goes away so easily…

Do you know those days that you plan to maybe read fifty pages and do something useful. But then suddenly it’s 10PM and you finished the whole damn book? That’s what reading the unbecoming of Mara Dyer is like. The book is a real page turner and keeps you at the edge of your seat the whole way through. With lots of plot twists and scarily real hallucinations! The author (Michelle Hodkin) really knows how to grab her audience’s attention and keep it!

My only problem with the book was the ending, I didn’t quite understand it. But maybe we aren’t supposed to understand it just yet. Since it is the first book in a trilogy.. But still, I like some degree of understanding when I close a book and don’t have to sequel yet (which I know is my fault, but hush!)

The unbecoming of Mara Dyer kept me guessing every step on the way. From the beginning with her waking up after an accident she doesn’t remember to the terrible and strange happenings after they move. And then there is of course the new love interest Noah, who seems to be not completely honest about himself. At the ending we do get some answers and holy shit, that was a plot twist. If you are reading this book and you think you know what’s going on, trust me, you don’t.

I would definitely recommend this book to a lot of my friends, but with a warning that it is pretty scary and fucked up at some points. Lets just say it’s not a book for the weak hearted. But if you can handle some really weird and creepy stuff, than go for it and read this book!

Until my next post,
Stay Nerdy!

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